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Herbaceous Plants


Herbaceous plants are plants which die back to the ground every year. In other words, they don't have any woody trunks or stems. We utilize many of these herbaceous plants in our designs and in our gardens here at HFF, either because they have great edible uses, medicinal uses (mostly as teas), or because they are wonderful native plants that bring in a bonanza of great pollinators and beneficial insects. And some herbaceous plants are all three - edible, medicinal, and native!


Please note that any herbaceous plant which has a spreading characteristic will not be listed on this page, but can be found on our 'Groundcovers' page.

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Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) is a wonderful native plant widely used by many for medicinal purposes. It makes a great tea and pollinators absolutely love it!


Rhubarb is a wonderful deer-proof plant that is an absolute must-have for any garden! Strawberries and rhubarb go together perfectly, flavor-wise.

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