Edible Landscape and
Permaculture Design Services

Hundred Fruit Farm offers professional design services specialized in ecological and edible systems. We do edible landscape designs, permaculture designs, farm designs, ecological restoration designs, and aquaponic system designs, among others.
Have a yard or some land that you'd like to turn into an enjoyable, productive space? Tired of spending money every year maintaining your yard without getting much in return? Maybe we can help. With our location nestled here in the Bucks County suburbs, we see bad landscape design all around us: the same boring ornamentals everyone uses, expansive monoculture lawns, and disjointed landscape elements with no rhyme or reason to them. The result is an ugly, sterile, dysfunctional landscape. What if there was a better way?
What if your yard didn't have to be a big money drain? What if your yard could actually be a functional, beautiful space that was actually providing you with healthy organic food with minimal effort? And what if your landscaping could actually save you money in heating and cooling costs? All these things are more than possible with our edible landscape and permaculture design services.
You can see examples of designs we've done (along with some client installation photos) here.
What is a permaculture design?
A permaculture design is basically a design for a site that (in addition to looking great) mimics natural ecosystems to create an ecologically resilient, agriculturally productive system. We view every site - no matter how small or large - as a whole system, with all elements of the completed design integrated with, rather than separated from one another. And every design we do is custom-tailored to the needs of our individual clients. Our designs often incorporate (depending on your needs/wants):
Edible landscaping
Garden design
Home orchards
Energy savings
Pollinator habitat
Native plants
Wildlife habitat
And lots more!
Every plant species or design element we put into a design is thoroughly researched and fulfills multiple functions to achieve specific goals. For example, for a certain part of your site design we might select a pawpaw tree (Asimina triloba) that thrives in the particular soil and sun conditions of that part of the site, and will grow to a maximum size that is appropriate for that area. It achieves specific goals for that client of looking beautiful, providing a delicious edible crop, being low-maintenance, being deer-resistant, and being a native plant.​
What do your designs look like?​
Check out our Design Examples page and see for yourself!
Do you implement the design too?
The short answer is no. The implementation of the design is something we leave up to the client to decide how and when they would like to do things. Most clients prefer to implement designs themselves gradually over a period of time, and some prefer to hire professional landscapers to do the job. While we normally don't do installations, depending on the size of the design, we may be able to install the whole design or just certain features, but this would be a separate service from the design itself. For the most part, though, the farm keeps us too busy to do installation work.​
Where do you offer design services?​
The short answer is anywhere! But since we are based here in Pennsylvania, we do most of our designs in the Mid-Atlantic region in PA, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. A local design will mean less travel expenses and a more affordable cost for the design. But we do have experience designing in multiple climates in countries all over the world, as well as access to a whole team of international designers that can collaborate on designs in other locations.​
How much does it cost?​
The cost of a design can vary a lot depending on the site and the client's needs, so this is a hard question to answer. We base all our design prices at an hourly rate, so the design price is basically a reflection of how many hours we estimate it will take to complete. Residential designs typically range from $4000 to $7000, but can be more or less than that depending on the circumstances. Farm and broadscale designs will typically be more, depending on the size and scope of the project. Generally, the larger the property and the more intricate the design proposal, the more expensive the design gets. After doing an initial site visit, we will give you a proposal for the design that will outline the exact costs for the design.​
I'm interested! How do we get started?
If you are interested in getting a permaculture design for your yard, home, or site, or if you simply have any questions about the process, email us at hundredfruitfarm@gmail.com. We'll have you fill out a questionnaire about your site and then we'll get back to you and set up a phone call to let you know what the design process would be like and schedule a site visit to give you a proposal, and let you decide if you are interested in moving forward from there.